The Neya F8 is truly a full-body cigar, and is available in 6 vitolas. A product of very well fermented Nicaraguan ligero leaf added to the blend.
Each cigar is hand-rolled by experienced rollers, who only specialize in a particular size. The cigars are then carefully checked for quality and age in our “escaparate” (our climate controlled cedar room) for months until they’ve aged long enough to bring out the excellent taste for you to enjoy.
Habano Ecuador
5 x 52 Patriot
5 x 58 Gringo
6 x 56 Toro 6 x 60 Yankee
6 1/2 x 54 Loyalist
7 x 70 Big Jack Jack
Each cigar is hand-rolled by experienced rollers, who only specialize in a particular size. The cigars are then carefully checked for quality and age in our “escaparate” (our climate controlled cedar room) for months until they’ve aged long enough to bring out the excellent taste for you to enjoy.
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